高希霸罗布图丨Cohiba Robusto
The Cohiba Robusto is a favorite among cigar aficionados for its perfect draw and billowing clouds of smoke. It’s imbued with a fine balance of wood, fruit, and spice flavors, characteristic of Cohiba’s distinctive triple fermentation process.
Cohiba Robusto Overview
One of only nine authentic Robusto vitolas, the 4?" 50 ring gauge Cohiba Robusto has developed a steady following among cigar enthusiasts. It’s loved for balanced medium-bodied flavor and distinctive aromas.
At the time of release this was the thickest cigar in Cohiba’s lineup. It produces an intoxicating smoke packed with depth and character from the Vuelta Abajo region’s finest tobacco. Vanilla, oak, and almonds balance out the flavor palette for a delicious after-dinner drink or a complement to a dark coffee.